Naperville Community High School Class of 1962
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Naperville Community High School Class of 1962 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 53
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

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Married on Oct 24, 1970.... two weeks after returning from Nam... meet her two weeks before I left for Nam.... Celebrated our FIFTYITH in 2020?  Thanks Diane!
Posted By: Robert LeVee
Views: 1394

Ready for a parade at Ft. Devens in 1969.
Posted By: Bill Perkins
Views: 1652

Here I am in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1970. I was assigned to the 7th Army HQ. I wore Class A to work in the communications center at Campbell Barracks. I lived at Patton Barracks, where photo was t...
Posted By: Bill Perkins
Views: 3181

Grade 5, Washington School, Room 312 Back to front, left to right: Jim Hartwig,Loren Sprimont,Stanley Harr,Bill Perkins, Jim Watson. Row 2: Greg Wiker,Rose Panecke,Bonnie Hermanson, Ann Garner,Cha...
Posted By: Sherry Groves Kasper
Views: 3535

Only notation on picture is 'picnic at Camp MacDowell'. No names but here goes: Front row, Kathy McConnell, Sue Siffler,Linda Stutzman, Marjorie Blair. Second row, Gwen Mitchell, Donna Arbogast, Sh...
Posted By: Sherry Groves Kasper
Views: 3631

Hat checkers Sherry Groves and Margaret Adams. I think we were freshmen.  Event was probably Junior/Senior Prom.Teacher in tux is Mr. Smith
Posted By: Sherry Groves Kasper
Views: 3582

That's Joel Higgins to the left with arms folded....a nonconformist even then.
Posted By: Bill Perkins
Views: 3505

Recognize anyone in this photo of Washington School's 5th grade?
Posted By: Marjorie Blair Laws
Views: 3569

With the Big Red 1 in S. Viet Nam, 1968
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3593

Stan Lindberg and Frank Lindberg with Stan's 1931 Oldsmobile in 1961.  Frank owned this car for the next 38 years.
Posted By: Frank Lindberg
Views: 3996

Roster of Sts Peter & Paul 1958 Graduation Picture
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3856

8th Grade Graduation Picture - Sts. Peter & Paul School 1958
Posted By: Sts Peter & Paul 8th Grade Graduation June 1958
Views: 3880

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