Naperville Community High School Class of 1962
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Grade 5, Washington School, Room 312
Back to front, left to right: Jim Hartwig,Loren Sprimont,Stanley Harr,Bill Perkins, Jim Watson. Row 2: Greg Wiker,Rose Panecke,Bonnie Hermanson, Ann Garner,Charles Winkenwerder,Randy Parr, Bobby Hoyle. Row 3: Ed Putnam, Thomas Howell, Chris Nelson, Gerald Patton, Ronald Olson, Steve Busie, Wheatley. Row 4: Sharon Howard, Anahid Katchian, Carol Widder, Sherry Groves, Gail Johnson.
Posted By: Sherry Groves Kasper - 08-28-2012
Views: 3535

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