Naperville Community High School Class of 1962
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Naperville Community High School Class of 1962 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 53
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

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tj along the way 1975
Posted By: thomas (TJ) Owens
Views: 3988

tj gets his start in life-1944
Posted By: tjowens
Views: 3727

20+ years and I would do it all again..honest!
Posted By: Bob LeVee
Views: 3516

Utah Sate University, 1966
Posted By: BOB LEVEE
Views: 3596

five photos:  from grade school , high school, college, military service, to present
Posted By: BOB LEVEE
Views: 3457

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