Naperville Community High School Class of 1962
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Naperville Community High School Class of 1962 - 55 Year Reunion
Pictures in Gallery: 16
A smaller group in 2017 but fun was had by all. The Sep 20-22, 2017 event was held at the Country Inn in Nasperville with 49 in attendance. See you in 2022, if not before.

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Jack Dabrowski, Steve and Carol Besse, Rich and Linda Klingbeil, Ray and Sharon Miller
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1668

Front - Nancy and Frank Lindberg, Don Zaininger: Back - Don Mengendoth, Duane Burgess, Tom Howell
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1662

Carol and Paul Dinger, Pat Choat - back - Don Jensen, Ron Fessler, Larry Choat
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1674

Group Picture
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1627

Barb Dabrowski, Ken Strubler, Steve and Carol Besse, Donna Campbell
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1641

Cindy Griese and Donna Campbell
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1630

Cindy Giese and Sharon Miller
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1654

Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1510

Dave Kuhn, Gordon Witt, Rich and Linda Klingbeil, Jim Cook , Don Jensen
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1615

Tom Mastny, Vince Ory, Jim Enck, Marj Mastny, Jerry and Cheryl Kuhn, Sylvia Ory
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1606

Barb Dabrowski and Lorraine Yuccas
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1617

Don Jensen, Ron Fessler, Larry Choat
Posted By: Jerry Kuhn
Views: 1654

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